Our vision
To be a leading center for teaching and learning, recognized for its excellence in faculty development, student support, and educational research.
Our mission
To advance teaching and learning at LIMU by providing innovative programs and services that empower faculty and students to achieve their full potential.
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The director message
The Libyan International University (LIMU) was initially established as a university for health professional programs. Since then, LIMU made its continuous development and quality improvement as its operational slogan. Over the years LIMU emphasized and translated the importance of faculty professional development into authentic instructional methods and pedagogy. As LIMU was only composed of health professional programs, faculty enhancement initiatives were initially tailored to health professional programs. Till then, varied pedagogies and evidence-based instructional and assessment methods were successfully introduced and sustained. These included PBL, TBL, CBCD, FC, use of LMS etc. Such initiatives were introduced and maintained by medical education units within individual colleges.
LIMU responsiveness to community needs called for further expansion and non-
medical programs were established.
The expansion of LIMU through establishment of additional non-medical programs necessitated launching an academic center for learning and teaching (ACLT) that can endorse the faculty enhancement needs of medical and non-medical programs. ACLT team believes that faculty development is the watchword for student success. This target would be achieved through campus-wide projects in the form of lectures, workshops, seminars, discussion forms, individual and group consultation, collaborative research and postgraduate degrees.
ACLT is dedicated to enrich the already existing learning environment through
collaborative work with deans, faculty students and other stakeholders. It also helps to develop digital education through collaboration with IT management, providing consultations, workshops and network resources, and helping faculty to select and integrate into their education technologies that best achieve student’s learning goals.
The Centre will collaborate with other offices to assess the value of emerging
technologies for teaching, learning and disseminating effective practices for teaching technology.